Wow...I'm taking on a blog! I'm wife to Bob and stay at home mom of 6 children! We live in the City of Akron, Ohio. This is kind of like my electronic diary of our life together. The adventures of the Knoebel clan!
Our family is moving towards being more self sufficient. We have planted a small vegetable garden the last few years, but this year we are putting in raised beds in an attempt to become more organized. We are planning to plant climbing beans, zucchini, squash, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, bell pepper and banana peppers. We already have blue berries, strawberries, and raspberry growing...yum! If only the rain would let us long enough to get everything in the ground and read to grow! Next step...learn how to can or freeze our extras!!!
I looked into the laws for having chickens in the city of's a no go with our lot! All chickens and coops must be at least 100 feet from dwellings. I called Zoning and Health Department. They told me I have to call the City Council to change the the letter writing has begun. I'm hoping they will adopt the same laws as our neighbor to the north, Cleveland. I'll start with phone calls and letters....may have to drop in on a meeting or two!
We are looking for ways to make our lives more natural. It seems like there is all kinds of man made chemicals to fix stuff, but what about using the nature around us? maybe as I find tips, I'll add them to our blog...or any suggestions from others out there in blogging land!
We school some of our children at home through Ohio Virtual Academy. Two of the kids attend a public brick and mortar school. I think every parent has to find the right fit for their child to learn their best. We are wrapping up all our classes and moving towards the outdoors everyday!
Off to figure out supper!
Laura, good luck with your movement! Also, we used OVA for the past few years! Small world!